Weitere Beiträge von "Art Project for Kids"
Von Art Project for Kids - 26. Februar 2016
Giuseppe Arcimboldo was an Italian artist from the 1500s who spent years working as an official court painter. He developed a style of composing portr...
Von Art Project for Kids - 21. Februar 2016
I found an amazing artist and illustrator, Nate Williams, who has a very childlike style that I think students will really relate to. (Check out the v...
Von Art Project for Kids - 14. Februar 2016
The project was to make a sitting Model Magic bird with wire legs. This little kinder artist decided it was his bird’s birthday. (Note the party...
Von Art Project for Kids - 10. Februar 2016
My mini Valentine’s Day Murals make really fun signs for parties. Purchase the PDF file for just $5 and print as many as you want. ? View Mini V...
Von Art Project for Kids - 05. Februar 2016
This adorable little fellow was made by a kinder today. A KINDER. All I did was show the basics of making a ball body, small legs, neck with a stick i...
Von Art Project for Kids - 29. Januar 2016
You can give Mr. Washington a contemporary look by only using three colors on my downloadable coloring page. Just follow the directions below. View an...
Von Art Project for Kids - 26. Januar 2016
All my Model Magic containers are getting recycled into a new paper mache project. (Just more proof why art teachers never throw anything away!) These...
Von Art Project for Kids - 22. Januar 2016
This has to be one of my most favorite collages ever. Fourth graders were challenged to make a new person or animal by combining at least two magazine...
Von Art Project for Kids - 25. Februar 2016
Love it when old rolls of corrugated cardboard turn out to make the perfect cover for a wagon. Best of all, the curve is already built in. Use a paper...
Von Art Project for Kids - 19. Februar 2016
So it turns out that Model Magic comes in just the right colors to make some dandy looking tiny cakes. This may be one of my favorite projects so far....
Von Art Project for Kids - 13. Februar 2016
If you press large coffee filters to make them flat, cut them into 2.5″ x 3.5″ rectangles, and paint them with liquid watercolor paint, yo...
Von Art Project for Kids - 09. Februar 2016
These beautiful cartons started off as old plastic Model Magic containers two weeks ago. After two layers of paper mache, they were ready for some pai...
Von Art Project for Kids - 03. Februar 2016
This is one of my ‘keeper” kinder projects, so much more fun than painting a boring color wheel. Give students wide sheet of paper as show...
Von Art Project for Kids - 29. Januar 2016
Today my Model Magic students made this polka dotted rooster, inspired by some figurines seen over at Etsy. It’s basically a bird shape with lot...
Von Art Project for Kids - 25. Januar 2016
Just in time for the Chinese New Year on Feb. 8th, the year of the monkey. You can purchase and download my PDF template for $5 and print as many mura...
Von Art Project for Kids - 21. Januar 2016
This drawing was inspired by artist Heather Galler. I simplified some of her details, but kept the basic brilliant idea of a cat filled with patterns ...
Von Art Project for Kids - 24. Februar 2016
Romero Britto was born in Recife, Brazil in 1963. He grew up with eight brothers and sisters in a modest home. He used newspapers, cardboard or any sc...
Von Art Project for Kids - 18. Februar 2016
One way to add depth to your art is to overlap things. I like how this project created lots of very full compositions today, no scrawny buildings with...
Von Art Project for Kids - 12. Februar 2016
Found on Pinterest, a solution to making a bird with legs. Have him sit instead of stand! This little guy is made from about 50 cents worth of Model M...
Von Art Project for Kids - 08. Februar 2016
All you need is some pretty pink paper from your favorite craft store to make these little valentines. These stamp edges were made with a hole punch, ...
Von Art Project for Kids - 02. Februar 2016
This project actually did triple duty last year: continued the student?s study of warm and cool colors, taught them about a Pop artist named Jim Dine,...
Von Art Project for Kids - 28. Januar 2016
Look at all these adorable glasses made from some old Cheez it boxes. It took a bit of prep work, but I love the creativity that came out with them. ?...
Von Art Project for Kids - 24. Januar 2016
Here?s what my Art Trading Card students did last week, a series of jewel shapes that were painted with watercolor and topped with glitter paint. I di...
Von Art Project for Kids - 20. Januar 2016
I am thrilled to find I have been named a finalist in the Art of Ed Blog of the Year Contest. The Art of Ed, an amazing source for art teachers, holds...
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Von Art Project for Kids - 17. Februar 2016
This craft project proved to be a good combination of art supplies: LOTS of 5″ corrugated cardboard squares, rolls of masking tape, black Sharpi...
Von Art Project for Kids - 11. Februar 2016
Combine a color lesson with Valentine?s Day and you may end up with a very pretty card too. Try skipping the heavy pencil lines and give students a he...
Von Art Project for Kids - 07. Februar 2016
The Eiffel Tower is a beautiful structure like no other, but it seems to the any drawing tutorials out there are either overly simple or overly comple...
Von Art Project for Kids - 01. Februar 2016
I?m sure I first saw this project somewhere in on Pinterest, but I?m not sure where. All I know is that last year (almost) every kinder could make the...
Von Art Project for Kids - 27. Januar 2016
Students can learn how to make their snowmen come to ?life? by altering where the face and buttons are placed on the body. The fact that they can easi...
Von Art Project for Kids - 23. Januar 2016
Here?s a little duck that was made from a 1 oz. bag of yellow Model Magic, a little red (to mix to make orange), and some googly eyes. This media cont...
2034 Beiträge insgesamt